

 Anh Phat Corporation has been expanding its business ventures and taking on new projects to further develop the country's economic landscape. Following the success of the Logistic Hon Me mega-urban project, the company has invited ADD Group to conduct a survey of potential projects in Thanh Hoa in early March 2023.

Mr.Trinh Xuan Nghiem and Mr.Son Min Chang survey the land for Golf Course

The company hopes that ADD Group can bring forth innovative design ideas that will not only promote economic growth but also preserve the cultural and natural values of the region. ADD Group is committed to designing for a sustainable development and creating projects that are both environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

Mr.Trinh Xuan Nghiem and Mr.Son Min Chang survey the land for Golf Course

This partnership between Anh Phat Corporation and ADD Corporation is expected to bring about a fruitful collaboration that will benefit both companies as well as the local community in Thanh Hoa. With their combined expertise and resources, the companies are poised to create groundbreaking projects that will set a new standard for urban development in Vietnam.

Visiting the Art Square

The future looks bright as these two companies come together to bring about a positive change for the region. We can't wait to design the innovative ideas that will bring to the table and the positive impact it will have on the local community.

Visit the God Well in Nghi Son

ADD 건설  Group 은 
Plan ADD  [㈜플랜애드 건축사 사무소]의 모 기업에서 시작되어
현재는 Plan ADD Vietnam [㈜플랜애드 베트남 법인], 
ADD Construction  [애드 건설],
ADD Global  [건축 자재무역]으로 새롭게 출발하는 젊은 기업입니다.