
Hau Nghia Raising Dragon City

Site location: Hau Nghia Town, Duc Hoa District, Long An Province, Viet Nam.

Project site area: 10.5 ha

Type: Commercial Center, Apartment & office building, low rise residential area,...

Unit: 92 lots of villa; 54 lots of shophouse; 330 apartments

Design by: Plan ADD

Experiencing many ups and downs of history, Duc Hoa is now like a powerful Dragon flying to the most elite and that is also the inspiration for us to create an urban area: Young-dynamic with all the facilities of a true living area. An urban area that meets the needs of entertainment, shopping and a resort in the heart of the city.

Serving residents with fitness and sports facilities associated with life such as jogging, nursing - shown through parks and green strips throughout the city. An elite city, close but still new. Not only is the bright spot of Duc Hoa but also of Long An province.

ADD 건설  Group 은 
Plan ADD  [㈜플랜애드 건축사 사무소]의 모 기업에서 시작되어
현재는 Plan ADD Vietnam [㈜플랜애드 베트남 법인], 
ADD Construction  [애드 건설],
ADD Global  [건축 자재무역]으로 새롭게 출발하는 젊은 기업입니다.